First Class Fresh Flower Delivery for Shiney Row, Penshaw, Sunderland, Washington, Tyne and Wear. Stocking a constant supply of the freshest and prettiest blooms available and a selection that covers every possible occasion , let the experienced and knowledgeable staff at The Florist help you to make your perfect choice.


We have a large number of choices available on our online shop that will hopefully cover every eventuality. Please have a look around the website for ideas and inspiration, anything that you can't see or any questions that you may have, please don't hesitate to contact us by phone, Facebook or by email. See some of the choices available below.

Pandora's Secret


Gold medal arrangement


Special Delivery


Pretty Pink Posy


Penelope bouquet


Country Arrangement


Traditional Basket


Seasonal Hatbox

From £35

Oasis Pink Bouquet

From £40

Multi Posy Pad

From £50

Oasis Cream Bouquet

From £40

Petit Amore Bouquet


The Flower Bed


Grade 1 Festive Wreath


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